Hi there! This week's challenge was Char's pick and she went with alphabets. Huh? What? Come again? Yes, use alphabets somehow in your creation. For some reason this threw me for a huge loop! Of course I complained to Char and know what her suggestion was? Put a 'c', an 'h', an 'a' and an 'r' on a card and call it a Char card! Pfft. That girl. Love her.
Anyhow, inspiration struck overnight. I was in the process of making some homemade liquid hand soap, and I thought that if I used an alphabet stamp set to create a label that would count for the challenge...right? Right! Darn the overcast skies this morning - I swear this is pretty in person. And I was eco-friendly and recycled the container and everything. I am AWESOME! lol
So my husband is a hand-washing fanatic and we go through gallons of liquid soap in the blink of an eye. The soap I usually buy for us to use is the least expensive one I can find, but it still costs us quite a bit each month and it dries out our skin. So - drumroll please - I researched different recipies for making my own economical, eco-friendly moisturizing soap. I told you I'm awesome :) I've been messing around with different recipies, but here's what I'm currently doing:
Ingredients: 1 3.1 oz (90 g) bar Ivory hand soap, 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 4 cups of water
Directions: Finely chop or grate the soap and put it in a pot with 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil but constantly stir to avoid overflow. Stir until melted and then remove from the heat. Whisk in one and a half tablespoons of the olive oil and then let the pot sit on your stove overnight. In the morning it will be like really heavy gelatin. Break it into pieces and put it in a blender along with one cup of water, one tablespoon of honey and the remaining one and a half tablespoons of olive oil. Blend well and then pour into soap dispensers. Yields approximately 5.5 cups of liquid soap.
It's fun to do and costs mere pennies compared to what I had been paying for liquid soap from the store!
And for more fun, let's go see what the girls did with this week's challenge:
Char Dee Regan Wendy
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Until next time...M